You will never be bored if you have a book that interests you. Fortunately, we all have access to an abundant collection of eBooks and audiobooks that we can download for free. Use Library PASS to access collections from Cobb Public Libraries or explore other options listed in the Leisure Reading and Listening section of ManeMedia.info or on our Audiobooks access page. If you are looking for books to help you learn about a topic of interest try searching the eBook Collections under the research area of ManeMedia.info.
Use unexpected quiet time to read, reflect, and relate! Non-fiction and fiction books help us learn when we take time to reflect. A novel may help you relate to people living in a different environment or those with perspectives or character traits you have not previously considered. Informational texts enhance learning even more when you think about how the presented material relates to concepts that you already understand.
Use your spare time to read or listen to books and you will develop strengthened literacy skills along with new insights. Let me know if I can assist you with accessing resources linked from ManeMedia.info.
Supporting a Culture of Learning and Student Success,
Dr. Bryan
Use unexpected quiet time to read, reflect, and relate! Non-fiction and fiction books help us learn when we take time to reflect. A novel may help you relate to people living in a different environment or those with perspectives or character traits you have not previously considered. Informational texts enhance learning even more when you think about how the presented material relates to concepts that you already understand.
Use your spare time to read or listen to books and you will develop strengthened literacy skills along with new insights. Let me know if I can assist you with accessing resources linked from ManeMedia.info.
Supporting a Culture of Learning and Student Success,
Dr. Bryan