Here is what you will do:
- Start with a Happy Holidays template from Canva and customize as desired, or design something on your own in Canva or using your favorite graphic design app
- From Canva, click Share then Download, select File Type JPG or PNG, click the Download button and open the file
- Use Save as or copy and paste to move the file to your Cobb OneDrive
- Submit/Upload your greeting file in the form to have it displayed on the media center monitor in December and to enter our drawing
Snowman Christmas Greeting by ManeMedia
You may also enjoy sharing your holiday greeting with friends and family through your favorite social media apps. Explore the options in Canva.
Library staff will be happy to guide you if you need further assistance; stop by the media center with your laptop, login, and let us know how we may help!
Library staff will be happy to guide you if you need further assistance; stop by the media center with your laptop, login, and let us know how we may help!